Precautions For The Use Of American Claw Hammer

Sep. 19, 2018

1 To nail the nail straight into the wood, the top of the American Type Claw Hammer should be perpendicular to the axis of the nail during operation. Do not bend it, otherwise it will be easy to bend the nail.

2 In order to make the nails smoothly into the wood, the first few hammers should be tapped so that the nails can be straight into a certain depth in the wood. The latter hammers can be used with a little force, so as to avoid the bending of the nails.

3 When nailing a nail on a hardwood, J should first drill a small hole in the wood according to the nail specification, and then nail it to prevent the nail from being bent or the wood nail split.

4 The claw hammer should not be used as a cookware. It should be noted that the hammer face is flat and intact to prevent the nail from flying out or the hammer slipping and hurting people.

There are also some British Type Claw Hammer and the like that are used in the same way. Be sure to pay attention to safety when using them.

British Type Claw Hammer

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